Effectiveness and College Relations (ECR) provides leadership and support for accreditation, communications, ctcLink, enrollment reporting, institutional research, instructional assessment, IPEDS, marketing, media relations, planning, public information, social media, website publishing, and more.
ECR oversees college branding for LCC. Please refer to the Brand & Style Guide for guidance, or contact us if you need help determining how to best represent LCC in your materials or presentations.
LCC is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.
- Learn more about accreditation at LCC
We're all recruiters for LCC! Order program brochures now to take to your next event or activity.
Effectiveness & College Relations handles all business card orders.
Guidelines for using the college's logo and brand, for use by authorized LCC personnel only.
- LCC Brand & Style Guide
- View and download LCC logos
- View and download branded presentation slide backgrounds
- View the approved, branded colors and hex codes
- View and download LCC campus backgrounds for Zoom
Letterhead - please see the "contact us" section if you need letterhead. We can no longer post it on our website due to fraudulent use.
A new name tag design, approval and ordering process was adopted in November 2023.
Required for print and digital materials. Contact us if you need assistance.
Clery Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Statement
- Must be included in materials for prospective students and in general-purpose publications such as the academic catalog and quarterly class schedules.
- Clery Annual Security and Fire Safety Report Statement (long and abbreviated versions)
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Information
- Before printing or publishing your material, make sure it includes the correct language!
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Statements (Full Statement, Continuous Notice, Abbreviated Notice)
For help with:
- Accreditation: Wendy Hall
- ctcLink: Nichole Seroshek or Kara Mathers
- Enrollment Reporting: Jeffrey Chao
- Graphic Design (Branding): Maya Muller
- Institutional Research: Angela Rogers or Jeffrey Chao
- Instructional Assessment: Wendy Hall
- IPEDS: Angela Rogers
- Letterhead: Maya Muller
- Media Relations: Wendy Hall
- Social Media: Cassondra Rosales
- Website: Cassondra Rosales or Gavin Montes
See the directory for contact information.
LCC's ctcLink business process analysts reside in ECR. See the college's ctcLink webpages for more information.
Help people identify you more easily!
Supports compliance reporting (including IPEDS), enrollment reporting, institutional monitoring, and other data needs of the college.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is required for all projects involving human subjects, including surveys.
ECR provides logistical and administrative support for instructional assessment.
The official LCC letterhead contains the mountain and rivers logo. You should use official letterhead for all formal correspondence.
Typography is also essential when using LCC letterhead. The preferred fonts and sizes for headlines are Arial Black 14 or 16 pt. and body copy Calibri 11 pt.
Various letterhead templates are available from the Office of Effectiveness and College Relations upon request. Please note that they are no longer available through the LCC website to protect from fraudulent use.
All communications with the media (news releases, statements, etc.) need to be cleared before release in order to ensure accuracy and consistency in public statements per LCC's Media Policy. See the "Contact Us" section.
Use Photo & Story Release Form to obtain permission to use a story and/ or photograph in any LCC or LCC Foundation publications, web site content or social media posts.
See Getting the Word Out About Your Event or Activity for details on promoting your event or activity.
The college's Public Information Officer (PIO) is the first point of contact for media inquiries, per LCC's Media Policy. Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations, is the primary PIO for the college. Cassondra Rosales, Web Communications Coordinator, is the first alternate PIO. Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher, is the second alternate PIO. See the directory for contact information.
Effectiveness and College Relations maintains a number of web-based institutional publications that can also be printed as PDF documents.
Guidelines for communicating on social media.
Instructions for getting your content published on the LCC website.
There are multiple web editors across campus in addition to the ECR team. Web editing spots are assigned by ECR based on a limited license with our web vendor.