ECR oversees accreditation, communications, ctcLink project management, institutional research, marketing, media relations, planning, public information, social media, and website publishing in addition to facilitation of instructional assessment.

Brochure Orders

We're all recruiters for LCC! Order program brochures now to take to your next event or activity.

Business Card Orders

Effectiveness & College Relations handles all business card orders.

College Branding

Guidelines for using the college's logo, brand and Smart Choice slogan, for use by authorized LCC personnel only. Please contact LCC's Senior Graphic Designer at if you need letterhead, have questions about LCC branding or need assistance with a project. 

College Name Tags

A new name tag design, approval and ordering process was adopted in November 2023.

College Relations

Members of the College Relations team can help you get the word out about your event or activity. Contact Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations, Maya Muller, Senior Graphic Designer, or Cassondra Rosales, Web Marketing and Communications Coordinator for assistance. See the directory for contact information.

Compliance Statements

Required for print and digital materials. Contact us if you need assistance.


LCC's ctcLink business process analysts reside in ECR. See the college's ctcLink webpages for more information.

Employee Directory Photos

Institutional Research (Institutional Effectiveness)

Supports accreditation, assessment, compliance reporting, and other data needs of the college. Contact Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher, or Jeffrey Chao, Institutional Research Associate, for assistance. See the directory for contact information.

Media Relations

All communications with the media (news releases, statements, etc.) need to be cleared before release in order to ensure accuracy and consistency in public statements per LCC's Media Policy. Contact Wendy Hall at (360) 442-2491 or email

Photo & Story Release Form

Use Photo & Story Release Form to obtain permission to use a story and/ or photograph in any LCC or LCC Foundation publications, web site content or social media posts.

 All forms available on Forms A-Z page. Search by keyword or tag.

Promoting Your Event or Activity (Getting the Word Out)

See Getting the Word Out About Your Event or Activity for details on promoting your event or activity.

Public Information/Public Information Officer (PIO)

The college's Public Information Officer (PIO) is the first point of contact for media inquiries, per LCC's Media Policy. Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations, is the primary PIO for the college. Cassondra Rosales, Web Communications Coordinator, is the first alternate PIO. Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher, is the second alternate PIO. See the directory for contact information.


Effectiveness and College Relations maintains a number of web-based institutional publications that can also be printed as PDF documents. 

Social Media Management

Guidelines for communicating on social media.

Strategic Planning

Web Publishing

Instructions for getting your content published on the LCC website.

Effectiveness & College Relations

General Questions

  Wendy Hall, Vice President
   (360) 442-2491

Web Editing Help

  Cassondra Rosales
   (360) 442-2114

  Applied Arts (AAR) 124


Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm