Lower Columbia College's Global Skills

Communication | Critical Thinking | Quantitative Literacy | Teamwork

LCC Faculty originally developed and approved a set of Global Skills (formerly called General Education Outcomes) in 2005-06. One outcome is assessed and evaluated annually according to the Master Instructional Assessment Timeline, and updates are made as needed.

Faculty are responsible for assessing student attainment of Global Skills. 

  • Academic Transfer programs are assessed by interdisciplinary faculty teams during an annual Summer Assessment Institute. All Academic Transfer faculty are expected to submit artifacts for the annual summer institute. The chair of the Instructional Assessment Committee sends out two notices per quarter with information about how to submit artifacts.
  • Professional/Technical programs are assessed by individual faculty. Scores are submitted online. The chair of the Instructional Assessment Committee sends out two notices per quarter with information about how to submit scores.

Note: prior to 2019-20, all programs were assessed at the summer institute. Global Skills were not assessed in 2020 due to the pandemic.

The Instructional Assessment Committee is responsible for overseeing assessment of LCC's Global Skills.

Current Reports and Resources (see below for archives)


Critical Thinking

Quantitative Literacy (formerly Numeracy)

Teamwork (formerly Interpersonal Relations)

Archived Reports


Contact Effectiveness & College Relations

Wendy Hall, VP, Effectiveness & College Relations

 AAR 124D

  (360) 442-2491


Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher

 AAR 124E

  (360) 442-2490