This page is intended for purchasing administrators. Ensuring accessibility is an important part of quality assurance in regards to purchasing. Companies are not required to sell accessible products, so we must choose well.

The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) provides a useful Canvas module on using and procuring accessible materials.

Procurement of accessible digital technology is handled by LCC's IT department

Vendors and publishers are not required to make content and products accessible. If someone working at a public agency decides to use their product or service, it's the public agency that becomes liable in terms of accessibility. For example, let's say I decide I don't have time to create this training, but I find a company that has designed a similar training on their own platform that I can link to. Well, if their training isn't accessible, it's my fault - I chose to use their product. If an e-book is not accessible to a student, that student isn't going to file a complaint against the publisher. They will file a complaint against the institution for selecting/requiring an inaccessible product. Unfortunately, this is news to those of us who are not trained to evaluate whether or not a web platform, or e-book, or website is accessible. BUT, there's a silver lining. We can use our purchasing power to pressure publishers and vendors to improve the accessibility of their products.

  • Ask vendors, publishers, or sales representatives if their product/site is accessible.
    • Many times software and application vendors will provide a VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template).
    • If a vendor doesn't have a VPAT, that's a red flag; they aren't even thinking about accessibility. If they do it’s a good start, but again, that doesn't mean the product is accessible.
  • Questions for vendors and publishers


Resources on the Web

Contact Accessibility Coordinators

  David Wallis, Director of IT Services/Technology Accessibility Coordinator

   (360) 442-2251
Fax: (360) 442-2259

  Mary Kate Morgan/Director of Disability and Access Services & Special Populations

   (360) 442-2341