Lower Columbia College Policies, Procedures, and Plans
Section 700 - Information Systems and Services
Section 200 - Human Resources
Student Handbook
Accessible Technology Work Group
- Accessibility Plan (employees only)
- Procedural Template
State and Federal Laws/Policies
LCC is proud to adhere to the following list of federal and state institutions and their laws and policies which provide protections for students with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Education -Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Justice - Civil Rights Division
Washington State Legislature
State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC)
- Policy Manual
- Chapter 3: Student Services
- Section 3.20: Admissions/Access to Colleges and Enrollment in Courses. Scroll down at this link to view sub-section 3.20.30: Access for students with disabilities
- Chapter 3: Student Services
- Policy Manual
Washington State - Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
Further Reading
The SBCTC's Library of Accessibility Resources canvas course is full of useful information and training materials for those seeking to understand accessibility better and implement accessible technology solutions. This course has a useful page describing key aspects of some of the state and federal policies listed above, called Relevant Laws and Policies.