The Instructional Assessment Committee supports institutional accountability and improvement by facilitating the assessment of student learning outcomes at LCC. The committee is integral to the college's regional accreditation process with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

The committee reports to the Vice President of Instruction and is supported administratively by Effectiveness & College Relations. See more in the committee's Procedural Template.

Primary responsibilities of the committee include setting the Master Instructional Assessment Timeline and facilitating:

Comprised of faculty representatives from all instructional departments, the committee is led by a faculty chair and co-chair with administrative support from Effectiveness and College Relations. An instructional dean, the Vice President of Instruction, and the Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations serve as ex-officio members. Faculty representatives are appointed by the Vice President of Instruction, who also appoints the faculty chair and co-chair.

Meetings are held at least twice per quarter during the academic year.

Meeting Minutes



Archived Minutes


Contact Instructional Assessment Committee

  Wendy Hall, Vice President of Effectiveness & College Relations

   (360) 442-2491