The College and the Union endorse the goal of a constructive and cooperative relationship. The mission is to promote and foster such a relationship, a Union-Management Communication Committee. The purpose of the committee(s) is to provide communication between the parties, to share information, to address concerns and to promote constructive union-management relations.

Membership will consist of up to six college representatives and up to six employee representatives. The co-chairs of the committee shall be the Vice President of Human Resources or designee, and the Chief Shop Steward or designee.

Committee meetings will be used for communications between the parties, to share information and to address concerns. The committee will have no authority to conduct any negotiations or modify any provision of the collective bargaining agreement.

Additional committee information is available in the UMCC Bylaws.

Per UMCC's bylaws, each party is responsible for keeping their own written records of the meetings.

Contact Union Management Communication Committee

  Human Resources Services

   (360) 442-2120