The Strategic Planning Committee, actually a consortium of the five Monitoring Report Review Teams, provides input for the college's strategic and operational planning activities.

The Strategic Planning Committee reports to the LCC President and is supported administratively by Effectiveness & College Relations and the Office of the President.

All members of the five Monitoring Report Review Teams, along with members of the Executive Leadership Team, are invited to participate in annual and strategic planning. All full- and part-time LCC employees receive open invitations to join a Monitoring Report Review Team in spring and fall. 

Planning meetings occur annually, typically in January. Due to the sheer number of people involved, meetings are broken out by Monitoring Report Review Team.

Input from the meetings drives development of the college's Annual Priorities as well as Strategic Initiatives. See also: Institutional Effectiveness Monitoring.

Meeting Minutes

Note: although there are five team meetings per year, meeting minutes are annualized for easier reference.

Contact Strategic Planning Committee

  Wendy Hall, VP of Effectiveness & College Relations

   (360) 442-2491

  Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher

   (360) 442-2490