Selection of Review Committee

A Probationary Review Committee shall be established for each probationary academic employee. In accordance with RCW 28B.50.850 through 28B.50.869, the committee shall be the legally authorized committee to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the continuance of probation or the granting or denial of tenure to probationary academic employees.

The committee shall evaluate and provide guidance and assistance to each probationary academic employee assigned to it until the probationer is either granted tenure or is no longer employed at the College.

Each probationary review committee shall be composed of five members as follows:

  1. The President or the President's designee shall appoint one administrative member, who will serve as the chair of the committee.
  2. In accordance with RCW 28B.50.869, three tenured faculty members shall be selected by procedures established by the LCCFAHE in consultation with the Vice President of Instruction. The established procedures will ensure that the tenured faculty members appointed to probationary committees are selected by the tenured faculty acting as a body.
  3. One full-time student representative shall be selected by the Associated Students Executive Council.

If a vacancy occurs on a probationary committee, an administrator, faculty member, or student member as appropriate, will be chosen as outlined in the Faculty Association Agreement to fill the vacancy.

Duties of Review Committee

Each probationary review committee is responsible for evaluating the performance of and providing feedback and coaching as needed to its assigned probationary faculty member. The feedback and coaching shall focus on helping the probationary faculty member meet performance expectations and function effectively within the college environment. Details can be found in the Faculty Association Agreement.

Review Committee Recommendations

The Review Committee's recommendation to renew or not renew a probationer's appointment, or to award or not award tenure, shall be based solely on the criteria listed in Article 304.1, as assessed utilizing the data and input collected utilizing the evaluation activities listed in Article 304.2 and documented in the Review Committee minutes.

Contact Probationary Review Committee

  Office of Instruction

   (360) 442-2550