The Facilities Master Planning Committee provides leadership in the development, ongoing evaluation, and periodic update of the college’s comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. In addition, the committee will review proposals for facilities and space allocation consistent with the Master Plan and in a manner that promotes the effective and efficient use of facilities space – both in the short term and long term. The committee will forward space allocation recommendations to the Executive Leadership Team. After approval by the Executive Leadership Team, the LCC Board of Trustees will approve the final version of the Facilities Master Plan.

Space allocation proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the Strategic Plan, Facilities Master Plan, and other planning documents.
  • Established unit priorities for instructional, programming, office, and meeting space.
  • Proximity to existing programs and operations.
  • Permanence (avoiding short-term moves where possible).
  • Additional costs (remodels, infrastructure, furniture, etc).
  • Impact on other programs (e.g., will another program be displaced or lose space under the proposal, etc).
  • Access requirements under Americans with Disabilities Act.

Find the Facilities Master Plan on the Strategic Plan page.  

See Facilities Master Planning Committee bylaws.

Contact Facilities Master Planning Committee

  Nolan Wheeler, Vice President of Administrative Services

   (360) 442-2201