The purpose of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is to make decisions at the administrative level in regards to policy, budget, accreditation, facilities, planning and the overall health of the college.

Under the President’s guidance, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for the overall institutional administration of the college. Membership consists of the president and vice presidents.

Meetings are held weekly on Wednesday mornings. Standing agenda items include accreditation, budget, equity and inclusion, Administrative Policy review, institutional monitoring, position requests, and strategic enrollment management. Other topics are included on the agenda on an as-needed basis.

ELT is also responsible for facilitating the college's budget and planning cycle. Note: timeline contingent on external factors including legislative action and State Board for Community and Technical College allocation processes.

Month Budget Process Planning Process
  1. Present full-time faculty needs to ELT to allow for succession planning
  1. Student Access, Support and Completion Monitoring Report to Board of Trustees (BOT)
  1. Revenue projections provided to ELT
  1. Monitoring Report Review Teams strategic planning meetings occur
  2. ELT develops first draft of Annual Priorities
  1. ELT reviews budget revenue/expenditures for current year
  1. BOT reviews draft Annual Priorities
  2. Academic Transfer Monitoring Report to BOT
  1. Set goals/priorities for coming year
  2. Quarterly Budget Report to BOT
  3. Next year's budget assumptions and projections to BOT
  1. VPs review proposed budgets with areas and bring notes to ELT
  2. VPs bring proposed line-item budgets to ELT
  3. ELT discusses Fee Schedule
  1. Review proposed budget with UMCC, Operations Council, Governance Council, Instructional Council, and Student Services Council
  2. Results of Financial Audit to BOT
  1. Campus review/comment on Annual Priorities
  1. ELT reviews proposed budget with inputs from campus groups
  2. Miscellaneous Fee Schedule to BOT
  1. Preparation for College Level Studies Monitoring Report to BOT
  1. ELT approves proposed budget
  2. ASLCC budget to BOT
  3. Quarterly Budget Report to BOT
  1. Workforce and Economic Development Monitoring Report to BOT
  1. Budget presented to BOT for approval
  1. Institutional Excellence and Community Enrichment Monitoring Report to BOT
  1. BOT approves Annual Priorities for coming year
  2. BOT reviews KPI Scorecard and outcomes
  1. Year-end budget report to BOT

Contact Executive Leadership Team

  President's Office

   (360) 442-2100