
The purpose of the ctcLink Alignment Team is to facilitate communication and tasks associated with the statewide conversion to PeopleSoft and post-conversion management. More specifically, the alignment team works to identify and troubleshoot primary business processes and coordinate cross-pillar issues as they arise.

Composition of the ctcLink Alignment Team

 The ctcLink Alignment Team consists of eight members:

  • The department director representing each of the major ctcLink pillar or module areas. At the department director’s discretion, the responsibility may be delegated to a qualified member of their staff.
    • Finance Pillar and Student Financials module - Director of Finance
    • Human Capital Management Pillar - Director of Human Resources
    • Campus Solutions Pillar
      • Financial Aid module - Director of Financial Aid
      • Campus Solutions core - Director of Registration
      • Curriculum Management module and Faculty Workload - Director of Instruction Division Operations
  • ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst
  • ctcLink Business Process Analyst/Document Management Specialist
  • Vice President of Effectiveness and College Relations

ctcLink Alignment Team Chair

The ctcLink Project Manager/Business Process Analyst shall serve as the Chair of the Committee. The Chair of the Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Schedule meetings in accordance with the policies and procedures.
  • Receive agenda items for the meeting.
  • Facilitate the meeting.
  • Take notes to be published on the college webpage.

Committee Member Duties

  • Committee members should attend meetings or send a representative.
  • Committee members review all requests for new student groups or service indicators. 
  • Committee members review Enhancement Requests and provide recommendations for prioritization to the ctcLink College Collaboration Group. 
  • Committee members coordinate User Acceptance Testing for new/updated system functionality as needed. 

Meeting Frequency

The Committee shall meet every other week. Additional meetings can be called as needed by any member of the ctcLink Alignment Team. The ctcLink Alignment Team chair shall then schedule a meeting at the first opportunity, with consideration of team members’ existing schedule commitments.

Meeting Notes

Learn more about ctcLink

Contact ctcLink Alignment Team

  Nichole Seroshek, ctcLink Manager/Business Process Analyst

  (360) 442-2372