Academic Dishonesty

Instructors and students are responsible for maintaining academic standards and integrity in classes. Academic dishonesty may be subject to both academic sanctions and/or conduct sanctions. Academic consequences for academic dishonesty may be imposed by the course instructor and may include but cannot exceed a grade of “F” in the course.

In order to address code of student conduct issues, instructors are encouraged to make a report with the Academic Dishonesty Form about any incident of academic dishonesty.

Common instances of academic dishonesty include (but are not limited to):

  • cheating;
  • falsification;
  • plagiarism;
  • facilitating,
  • aiding or abetting others in academic dishonesty;
  • collusion; or
  • resubmitting work previously submitted for another course without instructor permission. 

Process of Addressing Academic Dishonesty

  • The instructor should attempt to notify the student of the suspected academic dishonesty and give the student an opportunity to respond. The notice and the opportunity may be informal, such as by email or CANVAS.
  • Instructors may want to consult with a peer, their Dean or the Vice President of Student Services to determine appropriate academic consequences.
  • Reports of Academic Dishonesty are routed to the Vice President of Student Services (VPSS) through the Make a Report form. Upon receiving such a report, the VPSS shall provide the student with written notice that a report has been made and that any future infractions may result in disciplinary sanctions.
  • Additional disciplinary penalties may be imposed via the Code of Student Conduct located in the Student Handbook and the processes established therein.

Contact Effectiveness & College Relations

  Jeffrey Chao, Data Analyst

   (360) 442-2115

  Angie Rogers, Senior Institutional Researcher

   (360) 442-2490