Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) increases the College’s ability to rebound from disruption and continue serving the community.

  Continuity of Operations Planning is REQUIRED for accreditation.

Examples of disruption:

  • You need to take an extended leave of absence from work.
  • Campus has to be closed at the last minute due to an emergency.
  • All hard copies of important documents are lost in a fire.

LCC owes it to our community to be prepared in advance!

  Continuity of Operations Planning is REQUIRED for accreditation.

Deadline: August 31.


  • Put someone in your department in charge of coordinating your COOP plan.
  • Learn about COOP planning by completing the COOP training (available on Canvas).
  • Work together to complete the LCC COOP plan template with as much detail as possible.
  • Ask if you have questions!
  • Email your plan to the Director of Environmental Health and Safety at


Spending time and resources on COOP planning now, can save big $$ in the long run (think of it as an insurance policy).

Thank you!

Contact COOP Staff

  Janel Screen

Director of Environmental Health & Safety

   (360) 442-2273